Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
CMAC - 2000, Volume 2, No 2


Diseases and pathogenes

I.V. Smirnov - Human Bacterial Pathogens

I.A. Zavalishin, I.E. Schitikova, T.D. Zhuchenko - Prions and prion diseases

I.S. Tartakovski - Listeriae: the role in infectious diseases and laboratory diagnostics

V.P. Tjurin, I.G. Tichonov - Antibacterial Therapy of Infective Endocarditis

A. I.M. Hoepelman, S.E. Geerlings - Urinary Tract Infections in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

Robert J. Rubin, Catherine A. Harrington, Anna Poon, Kimberly Dietrich, Jeremy A. Greene, Adil Moiduddin - The Economic Impact of Staphylococcus aureus Infection


M. Bennish - Bacterial diarrhea in children: syndromal or ethiological therapy?

A.N. Majanski - Disbacteriosis: illusion and reality

Antimicrobial Resistance

L.S. Stratshunski, O.I. Kretcikova, A.S. Ivanov, M.M. Suvorov, M.V. Sukhorukova - Antimicrobial Resistence of Shigellae in Smolensk Region during 1998-1999

Laboratory Diagnostics

N.N. Nosik, V.M. Stachanova - Laboratory Diagnosis of Viral Infections

M.A. Seredkina, O.I. Kretchikova, M.V. Suchorukhova - Post-mortem Microbiological Analysis and Interpretation of Its Results

Guidelines for clinicians

Dosage of antibiotics in patients with renal impairment

Guidelines for microbiologists

Isolation, identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Haemophilus influenzae


G.L. Ridgwaya - Antimicrobial Resistance of Chlamydia trachomatis