Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
CMAC - 2001, Volume 3, No 2
A.M. Egorov, J.O. Sazikin, V.P. Ivanov - Evolution of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy and New Paradigm
Diseases and pathogenes
Joseph Ngeh, Sandeep Gupta - Clamydia pneumoniae and Atherosclerosis: Causal or Coincidental Link?
Antimicrobial Resistance
G.K. Rechedko - Mechanisms of Resistance to Aminoglycosides in Gram-negative Nosocomial Bacteria in Russia: Results of Multicenter Study
Daniel J. Diekema, Angela B. Brueggemann, Gary V. Doern - Antimicrobial Drug Use and Changes in Resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae
Antimicrobial usage policy
Inge C. Gyssens - Quality Measures of Antimicrobal Drug Use
S.N. Kozlov, S.A. Ratchina, N.P. Domnikova, O.I. Karpov, V.B. Kuzin, I.V. Leschenko, R.J. Likhatchova, S.V. Nedogoda, L.S. Stratchounski - Therapy of Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis in Ambulatory Practice: the Results of the Pharmacoepidemiological Study
Laboratory Diagnostics
K.H. Engler, D. Norn, R.S. Kozlov, I. Selga, T.G. Glushkevich, M. Tam, R.C. George, A. Efstratiou - Rapid Phenotypic Methods for the Detection of Diphtheria Toxin Amongst Clinical Isolates of Corynebacteria
Guidelines for clinicians
Yu.V. Lobzin, S.B. Yakushin, S.M. Zakharenko - Practice Guidelines for the Management of Infectious Diarrhea
Guidelines for microbiologists
Detection of Extended Spectrum b-lactamases by Phenotypic Methods in Gram-negative Bacteria
Working experience
A.S. Ankirskaya, V.V. Muravyeva - Microbiological Diagnosis of Opportunistic Vaginal Infections