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IV IACMAC International Conference
«Antimicrobial Therapy»

20-21 June 2001


It is my great pleasure to give you my input on the IACMAC held in Moscow last year between 20-21, 2001.
Firstly I would like to thank and compliment you and your staff at the Institute in Smolensk most sincerely for the great amount of work that you all put into making this conference such a success. It ran smoothly: the audiovisuals (including simultaneous translation of slides and talks in English into Russian) were excellent, the hall was large enough and I was impressed to see people from all over the Russian Federation attending.
This was the first (but I hope not the last) of these meetings which I have attended. The quality of speakers, both from inside and outside Russia, was very good. Indeed, I counted many of the overseas speakers as my good friends. The educational possibilities that such a meeting affords for Russian physicians interested in infectious diseases is very great indeed. Not only do they learn of new developments but (perhaps even more important) personal contacts are made which are always valuable.
I encourage you very strongly to carry on holding these meetings and will be very glad to lend whatever help I personally can to ensure that they continue to be successful.

P. Appelbaum (USA)

Once more, it is my pleasure to thank you for your kind invitation to participate to the last IACMAC, which was held in Moscow, June 2001. Not only were the scientific sessions of great interest, but the organization was a success in all aspects. I hope you will have the opportunity to continue organizing such meetings. Looking forward to seeing you in a near future at some meetings.

M.-T. Labro (France)

IACMAC meeting is the unique place where contact can be established with Russian doctors and Russian experts. Because the congress is in your country it become possible to have a broad view of the clinical research and to exchange really experiences. I can easily detail the qualities of the last meeting: the Russian speakers were matching well the selection of foreign invited speakers and the presentations were excellent. The discussion very active testifies of the interests the demands of the attendees. Congratulations for what you did and best wishes for the future.

J. Acar (France)

I hereby wish to support Prof. Stratchounski to organize the international conference on antimicrobial resistance. I had the opportunity to participate in his conference which was held June 20 and 21, 2001 and was very impressed by the gathering of international opinion leaders, who shared their expertise with colleagues from Russia. This exchange and interaction is mandatory for the further progress of medical microbiology in Russia.

H. Goossens (Belgium)

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