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Modern Pharmacotherapy in Urology: Important Addresses
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Conferences :: Modern Pharmacotherapy in Urology

International Disease Management Symposium

Joint Meeting with 2nd UTI/STD Forum

«Modern Pharmacotherapy in Urology»
«Modern Pharmacotherapy in Urology»

Khabarovsk, Far East Region, Russia
20-21 May, 2004

Important Addresses

Administrative Secretariat

PO box 5, Smolensk, 214019, Russia

Phones: +7 0812 61-13-01, +7 0812 61-13-27

Fax: +7 0812 61-12-94

E-mail: khabarovsk2004@antibiotic.ru

Venue and Exhibition

9, Krasnodarskaya st, Khabarovsk, Far East Region, 580009, Russia,

Institute of Postgraduate Qualification of Medical Specialists

Official Conference Travel agency

«VOYAGE» company

Voyage, 680000, Khabarovsk, Zaparina st., 90, office. 1

Phone +7 (4212) 32-57-98, Fax +7 (4212) 30-47-15

E-Mail: Postmaster@voyage.khv.ru

Home: http://ru-voyage.com/eng/


The last modification date: 16 Jan 2004

Modern Pharmacotherapy in Urology
Important Addresses
Дата публикации: 09-Янв-2004 | Просмотров: 11125 |Печатать текущую страницу Печатать все страницы

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