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Modern Pharmacotherapy in Urology: On-line registration
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Conferences :: Modern Pharmacotherapy in Urology

International Disease Management Symposium

Joint Meeting with 2nd UTI/STD Forum

«Modern Pharmacotherapy in Urology»
«Modern Pharmacotherapy in Urology»

Khabarovsk, Far East Region, Russia
20-21 May, 2004

On-line registration


Participants are given the opportunity to register for the conference via the on-line registration form.

Registration Fees (in Euro/USD/RUB)

  Until May 1, 2004 * On-site
Asian Association of Urinary Tract Infection and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (AAUS) Member 150 EUR 180 USD 5250 RUB 200 EUR 240 USD 6900 RUB
Non-member 200 EUR 240 USD 7000 RUB 300 EUR 360 USD 10500 RUB
Student * 50 EUR 60 USD 1750 RUB 75 EUR 90 USD 2625 RUB
Accompanying person 50 EUR 60 USD 1750 RUB 75 EUR 90 USD 2625 RUB

* Students will need to provide proof (written certification by head of department)

What's Included?

The registration fee for participants includes

  • Admission to all events of the conference
  • Conference Bag
  • Final Programme and Abstract Book
  • Two Coffee-brake and Buffet-lunch
  • Evening Boat Tour by Amur River and Welcome Reception on May 20
  • City-tour with a guide on May 21
  • Theater on May 21

The registration fee for accompanying persons includes

  • Admission to all events of the conference
  • Two Coffee-brake and Buffet-lunch
  • Evening Boat Trip and Welcome Reception on May 20
  • Khabarovsk City Tour on May 21
  • Theater on May 21

How to pay?

  • By cash on-site. Receipts will be given
  • By Credit Card through Internet. Now available!
  • Wire transfer. Preferred way of payment. Use SWIFT FORMAT:
56 Intermediary Bank OST-WEST HANDELSBANK AG, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany
57 Pay through EVROTRAST, Moscow, Russia, 0103639399
59 Beneficiary SKA-BANK, SMOLENSK, RUSSIA acc. no 30109978300000000142
70 Beneficiary Information In favour of IACMAC acc.no 40703978400637000438
Regarding Khabarovsk conference

For finance details feel free to contact Mr. Vladislav Kostin, E-mail: kostin@antibiotic.ru

On-site Registration

On-site registrations will be accepted by cash only.
The registration desk at the Conference Venue will be open during the following hours:

Wednesday, May 19  13.00 - 18.00
Thursday, May 2007.00 - 18.00
Friday, May 2107.00 - 18.00

The last modification date: 15 Apr 2004

Modern Pharmacotherapy in Urology
On-line registration
Дата публикации: 09-Янв-2004 | Просмотров: 13035 |Печатать текущую страницу Печатать все страницы

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