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Abstracts may be submitted only via Internet. Abstracts submitted via fax or e-mail or other ways will not be accepted.
All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
Abstracts must contain original material neither published nor presented else-where prior to May 1, 2004.
Abstracts may be submitted in following categories:
- Pharmacotherapy in urology
- Clinical microbiology in urology
- Antimicrobial therapy in urology
Abstracts must contain the following headings:
The abstract text may not be longer than 3000 characters, including spaces.
Deadline for abstracts submission is March 31, 2004.
Presenting author will be notified of the acceptance by April 15, 2004 by E-mail.
(If you have not received notification by April 15, 2003 please contact the Technical Organizing Committee).
Abstracts will be peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee.
Review and comments to unaccepted abstracts will not be sent.
Authors should indicate the possibility to present the abstract as poster presentation.
Full instructions concerning the preparation and presentation of posters will be given in the acceptance letter.
The presenting author must register for the conference by April 30, 2004.
If you have difficulties in submitting your abstracts or if you need any further information, please contact Technical Organizing Committee via E-mail: abstract_Khabarovsk@antibiotic.ru
Avoid submission within 48 hours of the deadline for best system performance.
Guideline poster presentations
Poster review committee:
Oleg Apolihin (Moscow, Russia)
Yong-Hyun Cho (Catholic University, Korea)
Tetsuro Muratani (University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan)
Kurt G. Naber (Straubing, Germany)
Vladimir Rafalski (Smolensk, Russia)
Poster Instructions:
The abstract number assigned to the poster (paper number) must be placed in the upper left-hand corner of the display. Be sure to include the abstract title (should be emphasized by the use of a bold type face), author names, and the institution where the work was completed, in large letters centered at the top of the poster. Place your address, phone and fax numbers in the upper right-hand corner.
Design your poster layout in the following sections: Abstract, Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
The poster measurement is: width: 70 cm; height: 100 cm. Pins and adhesive material will be provided by the Organizing Committee.
Please use letters large enough to be read from a distance of 1.5 meters.
The text can be broken up by the inclusion of drawings and/or photos.
Utilize handouts to supplement your poster.
Draw a rough sketch of your poster first.
Poster walks: During each of the poster sessions certain abstracts will be presented in a moderated poster walk. Chairpersons will select quality posters on the day and discuss these in more detail. Your presence by the poster is therefore essential during the poster presentation.
Presenting author of the best poster (for each session) will be awarded with 1 year free subscription to the «_________________________________________»