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Modern Pharmacotherapy in Urology: Flight Details
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Conferences :: Modern Pharmacotherapy in Urology

International Disease Management Symposium

Joint Meeting with 2nd UTI/STD Forum

«Modern Pharmacotherapy in Urology»
«Modern Pharmacotherapy in Urology»

Khabarovsk, Far East Region, Russia
20-21 May, 2004

Flight Details


Niigata - Khabarovsk Novyy (on Monday and Friday) , Flight Number H8 310

Departure - 15:30, Arrival - 18:25, Total Flight Time - 01:55

Khabarovsk Novyy - Niigata (on Monday and Friday), Flight Number H8 309

Departure - 13:10 , Arrival - 14:05, Total Flight Time - 01:55

Aircraft Type - Tupolev Tu-154, Carrier - Dalavia Far East Airways (H8)

Seoul - Khabarovsk Novyy (on Thursdays and Sunday), Flight Number H8 302

Departure - 15:45, Arrival - 19:20, Total Flight Time - 02:50

Khabarovsk Novyy - Seoul (on Thursdays and Sunday), Flight Number H8 301

Departure - 11:40, Arrival - 13:20, Total Flight Time - 02:50

Additional information about flights you can find on the www: VOYAGE: Flights

Representative offices of DalAvia in Japan:

Tokyo - Inter-Aviation Inc., Japan; ABC-KAH Bldg. 8F 1 - 15 - 7 Shibadaimon, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105-0012.

Phone: 81-3-5405-2786, fax: 81-3-5405-2727

Niigata - 1-24 Furuminato-Machi, Niigata, Japan, Shinnichi Kankou, Shouji Bldg., 3F

Phone: 81-(25) 257-9292, fax: 81-(25) 257-9291

Aomori - 1-4-10, Hashimoto, Aomori City 030, Japan Tour system

Michinoku Co., Ltd.

Phone: 81177220202, fax: 81177220200

Representative offices of DalAvia in Korea:

Seoul - Rm. 1001, Kwangil Bldg., 11 Mugyo - Dong, Chung-Ku, Seoul, Korea

Tel. 82-2-777-2442, 82-2-777-4200, Fax 82-2-777-2900

Asiana Airlines

Seoul - Khabarovsk Novyy (on Wednesday), Flight Number OZ 572

Departure - 11:00, Arrival - 15:00, Total Flight Time - 04:00

Khabarovsk Novyy - Seoul (on Wednesday), Flight Number OZ 571

Departure - 15:45, Arrival - 19:20, Total Flight Time - 03:35

Representative offices of Asiana Airlines in Korea:

Tel. 82-2-1588-8000

The last modification date: 27 Jan 2004

Modern Pharmacotherapy in Urology
Flight Details
Дата публикации: 09-Янв-2004 | Просмотров: 10935 |Печатать текущую страницу Печатать все страницы

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