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Conferences :: Modern Pharmacotherapy in Urology

International Disease Management Symposium

Joint Meeting with 2nd UTI/STD Forum

«Modern Pharmacotherapy in Urology»
«Modern Pharmacotherapy in Urology»

Khabarovsk, Far East Region, Russia
20-21 May, 2004


This International symposium on «Modern Pharmacotherapy in Urology» in Khabarovsk (Far East, Russia), 20-21 May 2004, is one in the Disease Management Series (DMS) organized by the International Society of Chemotherapy (ISC) in cooperation with scientific societies for urology and antimicrobial chemotherapy of Russia, Japan and Korea.

On the first day modern pharmacotherapy of prostatic cancer, benign hypertrophy of the prostate (BPH) and erectile dysfunction will be discussed. The second day is dedicated to infections in urology comprising etiology, antimicrobial susceptibility, therapeutic and prophylactic approaches for community and nosocomially acquired urinary tract infections (UTI), prostatitis and sexual transmitted infections (STD).

Experts from the cooperating countries and from other parts of the world are building the invited faculty with its well-known expertise. In addition participants are invited to present posters on their clinical and scientific work. The industries involved in the topic of the conference will also be invited to present their views, e.g. by a selection of posters probably presented elsewhere, which characterize best their drugs. Confrontation of different views in presence of the audience and the faculty would be highly stimulating.

Leonid Stratchunski, Nikolay Lopatkin (Russia)

Tetsuro Matsumoto (Japan)

Yong-Hyun Cho (Korea)

Kurt G. Naber (Secretary-General of International Society of Chemotherapy)


The last modification date: 15 Jan 2004

Modern Pharmacotherapy in Urology
Welcome page
Дата публикации: 09-Янв-2004 | Просмотров: 11276 |Печатать текущую страницу Печатать все страницы

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