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Comments :: In a memory of Leonid S. Stratchounski :: With sympathy

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Автор Тема: With sympathy
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Отправлено: 16 июля 2005 г.
Dear Helena and Family,
I was so saddened to hear of Leonid’s tragic and untimely death and my thoughts and prayers are with the Family during this difficult time. I had the pleasure of meeting Leonid several years ago and my interactions with him and experiences in Russia were among the most memorable of my career. In addition to being a dedicated scientist and clinician, Leonid was as most kind and gracious man. Leonid’s passion for his work and dreams for improving treatment of infectious diseases in Russia were commendable. It is hard to believe that Leonid is no longer with us to continue to live out his dreams. Leonid made significant contributions to the field of medicine which undoubtedly will continue to have an impact in Russia and beyond. In addition to wishing for peace for his Family, I wish for the Institute to thrive in Leonid’s memory.
With heartfelt sympathy,
Janet Hindler
Los Angeles

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